How do you want your image delivered to you?
HAVING TROUBLE WITH A DOWNLOAD?... click here. If you are a BUSINESS or PUBLICATION, and want to be able to purchase and publish drawings from NewsArt, go to the PASSWORD PAGE. BUT... if you are an INDIVIDUAL, seeking a drawing for personal use, email the artist who did the drawing and ask for permission to use it. When you download, if you have previously downloaded the same drawing, you will be reminded of the previous download, and asked if you want to proceed. (Remember that just because you downloaded it does not mean that you published it.) Our data base of previous downloads begins with Jan 1, 1999, and is updated with every download.
If your school wants to participate on our NewsArt Journalism School Program, contact us and we'll set up a password. After that you may use your school's UserID and password to download art at no charge for use in your school work, campus newspapers, etc. The work may NOT be used in advertising without paying a fee (contact the artist directly). NOTE: If you wish to use a drawing by Dean Rohrer, your password will not work. Instead, please email him and he will email the image to you at no charge. TROUBLESHOOTING If you experience a problem downloading... 1 - try using the EMAIL option. (Remember: even though the drawing is emailed instantly, it may take a little while to arrive in your mailbox. ALSO, if your mail box is full or nearly full it may not have enough room to accept the file.) 2 - If the drawing arrives corrupted in some way... two "common" problems are: If all else fails... If he or she is not there... contact Barrie Maguire. |